For My Master Read online

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  Reina shrugged. “My father did not share all his secrets with me. As far as I know there is only one way out, and my mad brother guards it.” She seemed unusually blithe about her father’s corpse, which lay cooling on the floor not three feet from the heels of her red boots. A sociopath, Kathie thought. Or she knows something we don’t.

  “It has to be somewhere in here.” Ross began inspecting the walls.

  Kathie closed the door. She eyed a nearby set of metal shelves, planning to barricade the door with them. “Help me,” she said to Reina, who lifted a haughty nose.

  “Now!” Kathie shot at Reina’s boots. She shrieked and danced, while her slave threw himself at her feet to protect her. Kathie laughed. “Do I have to ask a second time? You, too,” she said to the slave. “Push that set of shelves in front of the door.” She watched while Reina and her slave obeyed. It was a heady feeling, dominating the dominatrix. Her ass and pussy still burned from Reina’s punishment.

  “I don’t trust them for a second. Keep an eye on ‘em, Belmont,” Ross told her. He flung aside bales of marijuana and knelt. “Okay, I found it.”

  The way out was a dwarf’s door, some three feet high. “Kathie, go first.” Ross picked up his shotgun. “Then you two. We’ll have you covered, so no bullshit, okay?”

  Kathie knelt to slither through the low door and came out in a muddy area behind the house, shadowed by a clump of palms. The trees swayed back and forth in front of shifting light, for the wind had come up. She slipped to the right of the low doorway and waited, using handfuls of mud to darken her skin, pale in the moonlight, while using her gun hand to cover the door.

  Using her elbows, Reina dragged herself out of the dark opening into the mud. She hitched her body into a curl, reaching for her boot, and came out of her crouch with something in her hand.

  It was thin and shiny…

  Reina threw her blade before Kathie could react.

  The knife hit between Kathie’s breasts. She screamed and her hand clenched around the handgun. A bullet struck a glancing blow against the house’s stucco wall. She clutched the knife’s hilt with one hand and continued to fire with the other.

  Her fourth shot hit Reina, drilling her through the neck. Blood spurted and Reina’s slave tumbled out of the doorway, screaming as Ross poked him from behind with the shotgun’s barrel.

  The slave knelt on Reina’s body, sobbing, “Mistress! Mistress!” He leaped to his feet and launched himself at Kathie. Evading, she jerked to one side. Ross jumped up and wrapped his elbow around the slave’s neck in a chokehold.

  Kathie tugged at the knife, which had pierced the horizontal strap of her leather bra and struck her in the sternum. It hurt, but she’d bet that it wasn’t bad. Half an inch lower and she would have been in serious trouble. To stop the bloody flow, she pressed her hand to the cut.

  Ross whacked the slave over the head with the shotgun’s butt, taking him down. Kathie grabbed Ross and they squeezed each other in a tight embrace. His breath sounded ragged in her ears. “Are you all right?” He yanked off his jacket and wrapped it around her shaking body.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.”

  “I have to go back in.”

  “Back in? Why?” She clutched his sleeve with desperate hands.

  “There’s enough explosive in there to blow up L.A. It ends, here and now. Killing them isn’t enough, remember, Kathie? We have to destroy the drugs, too.”

  He was right, damn him. “Okay, I’ll take cover at the next clump of trees.” She pointed. “Meet me there, and don’t be late.”

  * * * * *

  Ross pushed the bodies aside and squirmed back through the door into the drug lord’s basement.

  Some guys become second-story men, but I ended up in the cellar. He chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?” Kathie’s whisper was soft, but he’d respond to it anytime, anywhere.

  “Get going. I’ll tell ya later.” If there is a later. He told himself that they were almost home free, that this phase of the mission would be the easiest. Just about everyone in the house was dead, apparently killed by El Silencio ’s son in a turf war.

  But when Ross straightened to his full height in the basement, he wasn’t alone.

  In the middle of the room stood an unnaturally skinny young man juggling four grenades. His eyes glittered and sweat stood out on his forehead. Reveal decayed teeth, he murmured a tuneless, random song.

  Meth freak, Ross thought. An addict.

  The mad juggler dropped a grenade. When it hit the floor, Ross heard a ping as the firing pin fell out and clattered on the concrete. He dived headfirst for the escape hatch, counting. Two…three…four…five…

  And he was out in the cool night air, screaming Kathie’s name, chasing her as she sprinted for the nearest clump of trees. An explosion shook the ground and fire spurted from the doorway. He tumbled her onto the soft grass, using his body to protect her from the next explosion, bigger even than the first. When the ground stopped quaking he leaped to his feet and hauled her upright.

  They ran.

  Chapter Six

  Despite Ross’ jacket, Kathie’s skin chilled in the cool night air. Worse, running in her high, pointed shoes was a devil-devised torture. By the time they reached a main road, her toes throbbed with pain.

  He flagged down a taxi. “Hotel Camino Real, por favor,” he told the driver before leaning back in the seat and closing his eyes.

  She took off her shoes and rubbed her feet, moaning with relief. If Ross continued to enslave her—please, God!—she hoped he wouldn’t insist upon high heels and pointy-toed shoes.

  Euphoria stole over her. They’d succeeded beyond their craziest dreams. Not only had they destroyed El Silencio’s drug and weapon stash, but by luck alone, that bastard and his evil whelps were dead. Without the old man and his family, their drug empire would crumble.

  The taxi halted in front of the hotel and Ross exited. He helped her out before paying the driver. Holding her arm, he guided her to the entrance, saying, “Kathie, I don’t want to attract too much attention, so stay here, okay?”

  She slipped into the shadows near glass double doors. When Ross returned, he gave her a tired smile before escorting her into the hotel, room key in hand. Huddling into Ross’ jacket, she hoped she’d remain inconspicuous in the brightly lit lobby, which, fortunately, was deserted except for a couple of bellmen.

  Their room had a king-sized bed and a bathroom sheathed in white marble. She appreciated the fact that Ross had taken her to a five-star hotel to recuperate from the most frightening mission of her career.

  Tugging at his tie, Ross went over to the cube-style refrigerator. “Let’s drink the entire contents of the minibar.”

  “Sounds good to me. After I shower.”

  He glanced at her. “Yeah, what’s with the mud, Belmont?”

  So he’d returned to calling her Belmont. She wasn’t sure she liked that. “I smeared mud on myself because I was too pale in the moonlight. I thought we might have to sneak around and I was a little too, um…attention-grabbing.”

  He headed toward her, his stride purposeful. “Babe, you’d grab attention dressed in a burlap bag.”

  Nervous, she giggled. “Of course. Who the hell wears burlap?”

  He took her in his arms, ignoring the dried mud she’d spread over her chest. “I mean it.”

  His kiss was lush, unhurried. He nibbled on her lower lip, then sucked it in, and she quivered when he ran his tongue over the sensitized flesh. He pushed inside, licking, tasting, as though he wanted to memorize her flavor.

  Without warning, he released her. “Go clean up,” he said. “I’ll be waiting.”

  She raced to the bathroom and took the fastest shower in the history of the world. While she had the chance, she examined her body. Her butt was swollen from the paddling, but the red mark on her breasts had disappeared. And while Reina’s knife had drawn blood, the cut it had left was minimal. Kathie sighed with relief.

hen she emerged, finger-combing her damp hair, she saw Ross, naked, reclining on the bed. He’d pulled down the spread and the covers so he lay in an expanse of white sheets, his back against a pile of pillows. He held a tumbler of what looked like Scotch in his hand and had a lazy smile on his face as he regarded her.

  She hadn’t seen him completely naked before, but her earlier guess was correct. Ross was hot, beautiful in a masculine way, with a solid body furred with a modest amount of body hair overlaying golden skin. An impressive cock was ready for action, lying on his washboard belly.

  He reached out his hand to her. “Come to me.”

  She lay beside him on the big bed and he held the tumbler against her lips. “Drink.”

  The Scotch’s heat flowed down her throat, forming a fiery pool in her stomach. Ross tucked her head into the hollow of his shoulder, cuddling and stroking, his touch slow and mesmerizing. She started to relax, fall into languor.

  “When I was about fifteen, I walked in on my parents by accident. She was kneeling at his feet.” Ross’ voice was quiet.

  “Your parents were in the, um…lifestyle?”

  “Yeah. But you should have seen them. There was such love. His hands were in her hair, and he was moaning, Luz, Luz.” He turned his head to look at her. “But my mother’s name was Juana.”

  “Luz means light.”

  He nodded. “He called her the light of his life. This was when, how I learned that there could be dominance without abuse. Dominance founded on love, respect, and trust.”

  Her heart jumped. “And that’s…that’s what you want?”

  “That’s what we can have, if you’ll just reach out and take it.” He squeezed her gently.

  “I’m yours, master,” she whispered. “If you want me.”

  “Oh, I want you. Over the months we’ve worked together, I fell for you. I love you, Kathie Belmont, and I always will.”

  Tears started in her eyes, hot and prickly. “Oh, my God.”

  He chuckled softly. “I’ll ask a lot, but you don’t have to call me that.”

  She managed an answering chuckle. “I love you, Ross. You’ve given me…you’ve given me so much. I know you’ll always take care of me.”

  “Yes. Take care of you, protect you. That’s part of the package. But outside our home, I expect you to be the same savvy agent.” His voice went crisp. “You understand, Belmont?”

  “Oh, I understand, sir.”

  “We’ll be one hell of a partnership.”

  She blew out a breath. “We already are, if this night means anything.”

  “Oh, it means a lot. We kicked major ass. And speaking of ass…”

  Her buttocks clenched. “What?”

  “Your sweet pussy is probably still pretty sore, so…here’s your first test as my submissive. This is for us, Kathie, not for the mission. That’s over. This is about you and me.” He rolled her onto her side facing away from him. His hard-on pressed into the furrow between her ass cheeks.

  With his intent clear, she gasped. “I understand, sir.”

  He pushed harder, and she moaned, her mind replaying her fantasies of Ross taking his pleasure in her backside. She wanted this. She wanted him.

  “All right, baby?” he asked, his voice gentle.

  She hesitated, knowing she’d be bound by her consent. “All right.”

  He slid off her. No restraints. He trusted her to keep her word. He took a small tube of lotion that the hotel had supplied, using it to lube his cock. “Face down, and put your ass in the air.”

  She tucked her knees under her so she could comply and squeezed her eyes shut, trembling with anticipation. How many nights had she dreamed of this?

  He laid cool palms on her butt and massaged her, caressing the stripes he’d laid earlier. They stung in an oddly pleasant way, the arousal settling into her pussy, which creamed anew. The cool lotion seemed to calm the swelling left by Reina’s paddle.

  He pried her apart. Again his hands spreading her rear aroused her, made her weak with need. She’d do anything for him, anything he demanded.

  The head of his rod pressed against her anus and he pushed. He was much thicker than his finger or hers, and thicker than the dildo she used. She couldn’t stop her frightened cry.

  He stopped. “Deep breaths, babe.”

  Though she was scared, she was turned on and still in control of herself. She breathed, willing her muscles to relax. He pushed again and she groaned, clenching her hands into the mattress as he breached her last virginity. He waited, allowing her to adjust to his girth. His hands tightened around her hips.

  She panted, drew in a halting breath and loosened some more. Then he bucked, driving his entire length inside her. His shaft seared her from the inside out. A shriek burst from her lips and she jerked wildly. Again he stopped, letting her feel his hot cock branding her insides. She whimpered, “Oh, master, it hurts…”

  “I know, baby. But not for long.” He reached around her hip to caress her bud. She moaned again, not with fear or pain but with growing desire, a desire that soon bloomed into rapture. As he stroked, his cock shifted inside her. The mingled pleasure and pain were almost too much to bear.

  “So good, babe, I gotta come…” Ross gave it to her, long heavy thrusts. Each stabbed to her heart, piercing her to the core. Nothing existed but his big cock ramming her, taking her, owning her.

  She gripped the sheets, focused entirely on the blaze of pain and pleasure. He exploded, his hot come filling her to the brim. He collapsed on her prone body, his penis delivering nothing but bliss as it shrank in her moist back sheath. She wiggled, enjoying the tingly pressure of his slick rod against her tender anal opening. He played with her clit, taking her higher.

  “Ahhh…” Kathie drifted into ecstasy.

  He kissed along her neck and sighed into her ear. “Ah, darling, you’re wonderful.”

  He’d called her darling. She couldn’t help her tears.

  He pulled out of her backside with a soft plop and liquid heat spilled out of her ass. He took her in his arms. “Why the tears?”

  She sniffled. “I love you, master.”

  “My darling slave.” He kissed her tears away, then slid down her body. “Now watch this, princess.” He laid a line of kisses along the ridge of her spine until he reached her ass, again pulling the halves apart. He continued kissing her and when he found her hole, licked and kissed the soreness away.

  It felt good, but… “Isn’t that, well, kinda icky?”

  He raised his head and laughed. “Icky? Did you actually use the word ‘icky’? Is that even a real word?”

  “It is to me.” A little embarrassed, she pillowed her head on her arms.

  “To me, nothing about you is icky. Certainly not your sweet ass.”

  She giggled, heady with sheer joy.

  He crawled back up her body and, rolling her over, kissed her full on the lips. He tasted musky with her darkest flavors. She sucked his tongue with curiosity, finding herself fully engaged and still very aroused. I could get used to this.

  “Tomorrow morning we’ll buy a ring. I want the world to know you’re mine, all mine, forever.”

  About the Author

  An award-winning, best-selling traditional romance novelist, Suz deMello uses a pseudonym to protect her privacy. But if you’re a romance fan, you’ve probably read her books or have heard of her. She’s known for layered, compelling novels charged with humor as well as emotion.

  Of her journey to the steamier side of writing, Suz says, “I love writing traditional romances, but after several years in the same mode, I felt that I really needed to cut loose as a creative artist and write hot, sexy books that reflect the wilder side of being human.”

  Suz’s books are fast-paced with seductive situations, complicated characters and a whole lot of kink!

  Suz welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her author bio page at

  Tell Us What You Think
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  Also by Suz deMello

  First and Last

  Phoenix and Dragon

  Seducing the Hermit

  Temptation in Tartan

  The Wilder Brother

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing

  For My Master

  ISBN 9781419939334


  For My Master Copyright © 2012 Suz deMello

  Edited by Rebecca Hill

  Cover art by

  Electronic book publication July 2012

  The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

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