For My Master Read online

Page 4

  The entire place was sheathed in golden marble and lit by a score of glittering crystal chandeliers. Violently contrasting with the velvety-dark night, the bright light seemed to bounce off all the gleaming surfaces and burrow into Kathie’s brain. They were halfway through the room when she winced and dug in her tiny evening bag for aspirin, feeling that she’d better be in top form. “Agua, por favor,” she said to a passing server.

  “What are you doing?” Ross snapped, catching her by the shoulder. He bent to hiss in her ear. “You’re not supposed to know Spanish.”

  “Everyone knows how to say that.” Wrenching out of his grip, she put the aspirin on her tongue and swallowed them with the bottled water the server gave her.

  Then she took a closer look at the server. Naked to the waist, she was a young woman of maybe eighteen years who wore strings of silver beads around her hips that didn’t really cover her shaved mound. A see-through silver shirt revealed her belly ring.

  “Nice,” Ross said, running his tongue over his teeth.

  Kathie glared and jabbed him with her elbow.

  “You’re starting already? Get down on the floor, Belle. Now.” He shoved her shoulder.

  The bottle she held went flying, as did her purse. Ross picked it up and tucked it into his pocket. “Get on your knees or I’ll whip you until you bleed.”

  She knelt, thinking, Shit. Did I start too fast? Have I blown it?

  “Forehead to the floor. Now.” His voice was crisp.

  She obeyed. Now she could see very little, but could hear an ominous silence descend upon the big room as someone switched off the music. Women’s spiked heels clicked and men’s loafers squeaked on the marble as the footsteps of many different pairs of shoes neared her. They were surrounded by El Silencio’s men.

  “Buenas noches, señor.” The voice was old, world-weary.

  El Silencio.

  She didn’t move as the men talked.

  “Good evening,” Ross said in Spanish. “I’m Zack Guerrero.”

  “Señor Guerrero, we are pleased to see you tonight.”

  “I am honored.”

  “What is this?” The old man’s shoe jabbed Kathie’s butt. She bit her lip to keep from lashing out.

  “Forgive me, sir, but I have brought a disobedient slave. She is young and new to the lifestyle.”

  The old man knelt and seized Kathie by the chin, forcing her head up. “You should leave her with me. I have never failed to tame a slave. Would you like to be my puta? ” he asked her in broken English. His breath smelled like death in a Dumpster.

  “When pigs fly out of my ass,” she snapped.

  “Dammit, Belle!” Ross slapped her across the face. He didn’t hit her hard but she overreacted, crying out and falling to the floor. “Pigs aren’t going to fly out of your ass, but something longer and harder is going in. I could not possibly give her to you in this condition,” he told the old man. “Do you have proper facilities for punishment?”

  “Sí, sí, many slaves have been broken in this house.” The old man rubbed his hands together. “Follow me.”

  Kathie stayed down, curled into a ball, faking sobs. Ross grabbed her hair. “Up.”

  She got up, making a point of stumbling as though she was really hurt.

  “Strip her,” El Silencio demanded. “I wish to see her marks.”

  She sweated with fear. Did the canny old man suspect that they were fakes?

  Ross reached for the sash tying the wrap-around dress. One tug and it fell open. Another tug and it was off, revealing scraps of pink leather lingerie and not much else. Murmurs of appreciation came from the onlookers as Kathie straightened to reveal her near-naked body. The fresh tattoo on her mound itched, as did the stripes on her rear.

  Ross jerked her hands behind her and clipped the bracelets together. “You’ve forfeited the right to walk hands-free, but this is only the beginning of what I do to a mouthy slave. This is all about discipline, Belle. You must learn to discipline your tongue.” He slapped her breasts.

  She should have hated that, but her nipples immediately puckered.

  Laughter from the watching men, and she kept her eyes on the floor, trying to ignore them. Though it was an act, a burning shame rose within her, enflaming her cheeks.

  Ross put a possessive hand on the nape of her neck as they followed El Silencio. Heled them to a door guarded by two armed men in suits, who opened it for them. With Ross and the old man, Kathie stumbled down a flight of stairs, careful in her unaccustomed, very high heels while keeping her eyes open and her mouth shut. As far as she could tell, the staircase was the only way in and out of the basement. Strange, she thought. Wouldn’t someone so wealthy have an elevator? Especially since he was getting old. Perhaps it was a security issue.

  Damn. If they had to get out against resistance, they’d have to neutralize everyone on the house’s main floor. She didn’t like that. She’d never had to kill before, and didn’t know if she had what it took. But Ross thought she was up to the job, or she wouldn’t be here.

  As she remembered from the diagram, the basement—a cavernous, cold expanse of gray concrete and polished steel—was divided into two rooms, but the blueprint didn’t show later modifications. Didn’t show hooks in the wall, the ceiling and the floor that were ready…ready for her. Didn’t show dark splashes on the concrete that could have been come or a more sinister liquid such as blood. Didn’t show built-in shelves containing every kind of implement a sexual sadist could devise. Whips, of course, many studded or knotted. Anal pears and butt plugs. Nipple, penile, and clitoral clamps. Handcuffs, varying from fur-lined to heavy iron bands. Dildos of every size and shape. Things she hadn’t seen before and couldn’t identify.

  It didn’t show the woman in the room dressed as a dominatrix, lounging in a comfortable chair with a naked man between her legs servicing her, his tongue darting in and out of her pink, open pussy.

  Kathie gasped, El Silencio laughed and Ross remained quiet. The woman opened her eyes languidly and said, “Buenas noches, Papa.” She pushed the man away. He rocked back on his heels, eyes downcast, clearly waiting for his mistress’s next command.

  This was El Silencio’s daughter? What kind of a depraved family had he created?

  Ah…this was the woman Ross had mentioned in his office. This creature was El Silencio’s second-in-command. Of course. Honor among thieves was a relative and flimsy condition, even in the best of families. Despite her perversions—or maybe because of them, since they echoed those of her despicable father—El Silencio could trust his daughter.

  The situation was damned distracting but didn’t prevent Kathie from noting a door in the back of the room. It was probably the way to the storage area, their target. Despite the whoosh of the air conditioning, the air stank. She recognized the skunky aroma as fresh marijuana. The drugs were nearby.

  “Buenas noches,”the old man said. He glanced at Ross. “May I present to you my daughter Reina, she who will inherit my business?”

  Reina, Kathie thought. Queen.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Ross said, extending a hand to the dominatrix. “I hope to do business with you and your family for many years.”

  “Señor.” Reina stood, pushing her slave aside with a toe of her thigh-high, red leather boots. She adjusted a matching skirt over her thighs. Her breasts were covered by a red bustier that completed the ensemble. Kathie had noticed that the dominants tended to be clothed and the submissives naked. Reina was no exception, but even in street clothes her air of command would mark her as a leader.

  She shook Ross’ hand while treating him to an impersonal smile. Her glance shifted to Kathie, who continued to watch. “This is your slave?” Reina asked. “She is in need of punishment. Her eyes are too bold.”

  “That’s why we’re here.” Without waiting for permission, Ross led Kathie to the hook nearest the storeroom door. “Stand,” he ordered her. He hadn’t told her to face the wall, so she watched and waited for her chance
to get into the storeroom, now so tantalizingly close.

  He unclipped the chains behind her back and reattached the bracelets to a hook high in the wall, stretching her so that the tips of her pointed shoes skimmed the floor.

  Reina’s breath hissed through her teeth. Her eyes raked Kathie’s body. She squirmed, uneasy at the scrutiny. Her breasts, pulled high, tightened in the cool air while her pussy burned red from the recent tattooing.

  The dominatrix approached Kathie, pinching one nipple, running a gloved hand over the stripes on her rump. “May I have her?” Reina parted the labia to fondle Kathie’s clit, stroking with leather-clad fingers.

  She closed her eyes, appalled that the strange, sensuous touch was turning her on. She whispered, “No.”

  “No?” Reina spoke in a dark, dangerous whisper and her finger corkscrewed into Kathie’s slit.

  “No?” Reina’s voice lifted, clearly outraged. She rhythmically finger-fucked Kathie, who groaned at the sensation of the leather-covered digit pumping her. She squirmed and the finger stroked her G-spot.

  “No!” Now Reina shouted. She pulled her hand out roughly and slapped Kathie across the breasts, leaving a reddened handprint.

  Kathie whimpered and cringed. In his guise as a drug dealer eager to make a new and potentially lucrative connection, Ross might feel compelled to say yes. He’d already refused once…could he afford to deny them again? She wanted to complete the mission, but she didn’t want to be handed over to either of this dangerous pair. Who knew what tortures they’d inflict?

  She’d choose slavery to Ross forever, but that was enslavement with mutual respect, maybe even love. Nothing in the manner of El Silencio or his equally hard-eyed spawn spoke of love, only power.

  Reina spun Kathie so she faced the wall. Leaning her trembling body against it, she pressed her cheek against cool, rough concrete, shocked by her uncontrolled reaction. She might have fucked up the mission. Shit, shit, shit.

  Drawing a deep breath, she listened, hoping all wasn’t lost. A babble of Spanish ensued, faster than she could follow. She picked out the words “esclavos disobedientes” and “castigados severamente”.

  Disobedient slaves must be punished.

  * * * * *

  Francisco gunned his yellow and black Hummer, racing along the avenida. At the end of the street, his father’s compound gleamed in the night.

  Fury churned his gut. Fury at his father, who had chosen to give the family business to his younger sister, just because she was another perv. Fury at his sister, who flaunted her business degree in everyone’s face. He’d always counted on his father’s beneficence and had never paid much attention in school. Why the fuck should he? He was the oldest, the man, and deserved to inherit the business.

  Now that was all lost, because of Reina, that puta.

  Francisco jammed the accelerator to the floor. High on crystal, he didn’t bother stopping at the entrance. Instead, his Hummer’s custom, armor-plated bumper burst apart the gate, scattering the guards. He yanked the steering wheel over to the right, and the Hummer slewed over the lawn in a curved, unsteady path to the wooden double doors.

  * * * * *

  The mission had proceeded exactly as planned, and Ross figured all he had to do was get rid of El Silencio and his pushy daughter. He wasn’t surprised that the perverted pair wanted his slave. Belmont was perfect. Chained to the wall, her arms high over her head, her shaved pussy with his tattoo and the stripes on her rear showed she was ready for use. Her breasts bounced with every groan and sigh as Reina tugged her clit and twisted her nipples to red points. If this went on for much longer, Ross would have trouble controlling his hard-on.

  Reina’s boots clattered on the concrete floor as she went to the shelving and picked up a long, coiled whip.

  Ross’ belly clenched. He glanced at his host. El Silencio’s eyes were slitted as he gazed at the scene. “She is just a slave,” the old man said. “Why not give her to Reina, to seal the deal?”

  Ross moistened his lips. “What deal?” he asked. “We haven’t made a deal yet.”

  “And we won’t unless you give us your slave. My daughter and I will break her, and this slave wants breaking. She will serve us well for…for as long as she lasts.”

  When pigs fly out of my ass, Ross thought. “She bears my mark, my initials. I will get you another girl, equally beautiful and unmarked. She would be completely yours.”

  “Hmm.” The old man stroked his chin.

  Reina returned with a paddle in her fist and a murderous glare in her eyes. “Give her to me!” She slapped the paddle against Belmont’s ass, hitting the stripes Ross had left. Belmont cried out, swaying. Her butt reddened around the marks and Ross fought to control his arousal. Next to him, the old man’s breath had shortened.

  The creak of a couch drew Ross’ attention. Across the room, Reina’s slave was watching the punishment and fondling himself. He licked his lips.

  The paddle swished and Ross tensed. The crack of the flat wood on Kathie’s ass shook the flesh, was echoed by her scream. Reina laughed, tossed the paddle aside and approached her slave. She pushed him back onto the sofa cushions and mounted him, taking him inside her with one quick thrust down. El Silencio turned to watch his daughter.

  Ross went to Kathie, running a tentative hand over her rump, the reddened flesh hot beneath his palm. Her breath hitched and she shuddered. He probed between her legs, finding her pussy wet, and smiled. He leaned forward to whisper in her ear, “You have a talent for this kind of work, Belle. Very good.”

  He shifted his attention to the lovely curve dividing her rear, hiding the darkest of her secrets, and slid a finger along her to the pucker. The way was greased by aromatic secretions and her raw, fear-filled sweat. He thrust inside to the first knuckle.

  She gasped and writhed, her chains clattering against the hook. He let his finger rest inside her, allowing her tight back channel to become accustomed to the intrusion. She was tight, but not insanely so. He’d bet she could take him, and it would be good for both of them.

  Her breathing calmed and he murmured, “Get used to this, babe.”

  He gave her two or three pumps and when she moaned, he figured he’d better stop. He couldn’t allow either of them to become distracted. He pulled out his finger, turned her around and presented it to her lips.

  Her eyes went wide.

  “Lick me clean.”

  She wrinkled her nose.

  “Don’t be a princess.” He tweaked her nipple. “Disobedience will earn you punishment, and I won’t be as nice as Reina.”

  “Nice?” Kathie sputtered. She jerked away, and the chains clattered anew.

  “I have a paddle, too,” Ross told her.

  She stilled, but the clatter went on and on…

  Too late, Ross recognized the sound for what it was—the clatter of an automatic weapon, probably foreign-made, an Uzi or a Kalashnikov.

  “Get down! Get down!” he shouted in English. He reached for Kathie’s chains. She helped by releasing the bracelets before dropping to the floor.

  The old man ran to the back door. “In here!” he said in Spanish. “There are guns.”

  Ross exchanged a quick glance with Kathie. Now’s our chance, her expression said.

  Reina dismounted, seized her slave’s arm and shoved him toward the staircase. “Go up there and find out what is going on.” He went with slow, unwilling steps to the stairs. Cannon fodder, Ross thought, but he couldn’t do anything about the slave’s fate. He caught Kathie’s arm and hustled her into the next room.

  El Silencio hadn’t lied. There were guns. Lots of guns. Racks of shotguns, automatics, and semi-automatic weapons. Handguns. Boxes of grenades. Even a mobile rocket launcher—enough firepower to bring down an airplane—was nestled among stacked bales of marijuana and bricks of cocaine.

  Ross’ blood froze. He had to bring this asshole down and blow this place up. If a terrorist got hold of this stash…

  He didn’t have time to
check out the entire arsenal, but instead rushed around El Silencio to a rack of shotguns, loading one with shells from a nearby box. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Kathie shove bullets into the chamber of a small handgun. She slipped the weapon into the back strap of her garter belt.

  Reina returned and said in Spanish, “The fangless snake has found his teeth.”

  El Silencio sucked in a breath. “Francisco?”

  She jabbed her slave in the side with an elbow. “This dung here says he’s upstairs, shooting the place up.” For all the concern Reina showed, she might have been complaining about slow restaurant service.

  “Is there another way out?” Ross asked El Silencio.

  The old man hesitated and Ross sensed that there was but El Silencio didn’t want to reveal the secret.

  “Tell me!” Ross snapped. “Our lives, and yours also, are at stake.”

  “Not mine,” the old man said, and turned his gun on Ross.

  Chapter Five

  A shot rang out and a hideous red flower bloomed on El Silencio’s forehead. With a look of disbelief, he fell to the concrete floor.

  “It’s too bad he didn’t tell us how to get out of here before I had to shoot him.” Kathie kicked him aside with her pointed shoe while aiming her gun at Reina. “But you’ll help us, won’t you?” she asked in perfect Spanish.

  Reina stared. “A slave who gives orders?”

  “Not a slave,” Ross said, his voice proud. “My partner.”

  Kathie wanted to savor the moment, but that would have to wait. “How do we get out?”